Release Notes

Version Date Compatibility Changes Details
3.0.25 September 28, 2018 All - Added orderBook and PositionBook endpoints. Issue-29 (
3.0.24 May 11, 2018 Java - Added support for Accept-Datetime-Format and additional custom headers. Issue-8 (
3.0.23 May 04, 2018 Java - Fixed using null in a TradeSetDependentOrdersRequest Issue-7 (
3.0.22 April 11, 2018 Various documentation and example improvements
Added Guaranteed Stop Loss Order support
3.0.21 November 08, 2017 Include error code and error message in request exceptions (Java)
Improved (Java)
3.0.20 September 26, 2017 Added toString() methods to Java classes
3.0.19 September 12, 2017 Corrected encoding of CSV query parameters in Java
3.0.18 May 12, 2017 Corrected handling of Collections in Java implementation
Published commission related fields
3.0.17 April 21, 2017 Initial Java implementation
3.0.16 April 04, 2017 Added streaming support for v20 Javascript wrapper
3.0.15 March 28, 2017 Various bug fixes
3.0.14 Unreleased Changed v20-python entity str representation to use yaml
3.0.13 December 08, 2016 Fixed v20-python string-to-float regression
First OpenAPI specification release
3.0.12 Unreleased v20-python fixed bug when parsing an Instrument from ctx.account.instruments() request
v20-python intercept requests.exceptions.ChunkedEncodingError when a stream is interrupted
prepping for first openapi specification release
3.0.11 Unreleased stop using custom Boolean definition
publish Header specifications for responses
fixed the MarginCallExitTransaction description
added missing ORDER_CANCEL_REJECT to appropriate enums
fixed some candlestick documentation
added delayed trade closure transaction type
added response Headers to documentation
3.0.10 Unreleased v20-python accepts floats for numeric values, and will convert them to their string representation before sending them over the wire
v20-python automatically decodes string-encoded floats into native python floats. This behaviour can be disabled/enabled through the Context
v20-python Context initialiser sets default values port=443, ssl=True
v20-python Context initialiser allows configuration of token, string to float conversion, stream_chunk_size, stream_timeout, datetime_format and poll_timeout
v20-python poll_timeout default changed from 10 to 2
3.0.9 Unreleased v20-python uses ujson instead of json for improved performance
v20-python wrapped some requests exceptions with v20 exceptions
v20-python library change v20 class definitions to explicitly declare properties (with comments) instead of using the property metadata attached to each class
v20-python library isolate property metadata in a single file
v20-python object instantiation from dict simplified and cleaned up
more v20-python library documentation
3.0.8 Unreleased v20-python supports setting timeouts for polling and streaming requests
3.0.7 Unreleased Stream chunk size if now configurable in each context and defaults to 512 bytes
3.0.6 Unreleased Added time format support to v20 python bindings
Extended Transaction filtering to support Transaction Types
Factored all common HTTP error responses out of API
3.0.5 Unreleased Added v20 python aliases for creation and replacement of orders
3.0.4 Unreleased Added instrument endpoints with support for Candles.
3.0.3 Unreleased Added support for Pricing and Transaction streaming endpoints.
Deprecated “includeUnitsAvailable” for REST pricing endpoint.
Deprecated “quoteHomeConversionFactors” and “unitsAvailable” for the Price object.
3.0.2 Unreleased Added support for Python 3.5
3.0.1 Unreleased Added TransactRejectReason enum
3.0.0 Unreleased Initial Release