Trade Endpoints


Name Located In Type Description
Authorization header string The authorization bearer token previously obtained by the client [required]
Accept-Datetime-Format header AcceptDatetimeFormat Format of DateTime fields in the request and response.
accountID path AccountID Account Identifier [required]
ids query List of TradeID (csv) List of Trade IDs to retrieve.
state query TradeStateFilter The state to filter the requested Trades by. [default=OPEN]
instrument query InstrumentName The instrument to filter the requested Trades by.
count query integer The maximum number of Trades to return. [default=50, maximum=500]
beforeID query TradeID The maximum Trade ID to return. If not provided the most recent Trades in the Account are returned.


Response Headers

  • Link - A link to the next page of Trades if the results were paginated
  • RequestID - The unique identifier generated for the request
Response Body Schema (application/json)

    # The list of Trade detail objects
    trades : (Array[Trade]),

    # The ID of the most recent Transaction created for the Account
    lastTransactionID : (TransactionID)

Other Error Responses: 401, 404, 405


curl \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>" \
Response Headers
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Authorization, Content-Type, Accept-Datetime-Format
Content-Encoding: gzip
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Server: openresty/
Connection: keep-alive
Link: <<URL>/v3/accounts/<ACCOUNT>/trades?beforeID=6397&instrument=USD_CAD>; rel="next"
Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2016 18:41:48 GMT
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: PUT, PATCH, POST, GET, OPTIONS, DELETE
Content-Type: application/json
Response Body
  "lastTransactionID": "6397",
  "trades": [
      "currentUnits": "-600",
      "financing": "0.00000",
      "id": "6397",
      "initialUnits": "-600",
      "instrument": "USD_CAD",
      "openTime": "2016-06-22T18:41:48.262344782Z",
      "price": "1.28241",
      "realizedPL": "0.00000",
      "state": "OPEN",
      "unrealizedPL": "-0.08525"


Name Located In Type Description
Authorization header string The authorization bearer token previously obtained by the client [required]
Accept-Datetime-Format header AcceptDatetimeFormat Format of DateTime fields in the request and response.
accountID path AccountID Account Identifier [required]


Response Headers

  • RequestID - The unique identifier generated for the request
Response Body Schema (application/json)

    # The Account’s list of open Trades
    trades : (Array[Trade]),

    # The ID of the most recent Transaction created for the Account
    lastTransactionID : (TransactionID)

Other Error Responses: 401, 404, 405


curl \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>" \
Response Headers
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Authorization, Content-Type, Accept-Datetime-Format
Content-Encoding: gzip
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Server: openresty/
Connection: keep-alive
Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2016 18:41:48 GMT
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: PUT, PATCH, POST, GET, OPTIONS, DELETE
Content-Type: application/json
Response Body
  "lastTransactionID": "6397",
  "trades": [
      "currentUnits": "-600",
      "financing": "0.00000",
      "id": "6397",
      "initialUnits": "-600",
      "instrument": "USD_CAD",
      "openTime": "2016-06-22T18:41:48.262344782Z",
      "price": "1.28241",
      "realizedPL": "0.00000",
      "state": "OPEN",
      "unrealizedPL": "-0.08525"
      "clientExtensions": {
        "id": "my_eur_usd_trade"
      "currentUnits": "100",
      "financing": "0.00000",
      "id": "6395",
      "initialUnits": "100",
      "instrument": "EUR_USD",
      "openTime": "2016-06-22T18:41:48.258142231Z",
      "price": "1.13033",
      "realizedPL": "0.00000",
      "state": "OPEN",
      "unrealizedPL": "-0.01438"


Name Located In Type Description
Authorization header string The authorization bearer token previously obtained by the client [required]
Accept-Datetime-Format header AcceptDatetimeFormat Format of DateTime fields in the request and response.
accountID path AccountID Account Identifier [required]
tradeSpecifier path TradeSpecifier Specifier for the Trade [required]


Response Headers

  • RequestID - The unique identifier generated for the request
Response Body Schema (application/json)

    # The details of the requested trade
    trade : (Trade),

    # The ID of the most recent Transaction created for the Account
    lastTransactionID : (TransactionID)

Other Error Responses: 401, 404, 405


curl \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>" \
Response Headers
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Authorization, Content-Type, Accept-Datetime-Format
Content-Encoding: gzip
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Server: openresty/
Connection: keep-alive
Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2016 18:41:48 GMT
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: PUT, PATCH, POST, GET, OPTIONS, DELETE
Content-Type: application/json
Response Body
  "lastTransactionID": "6397",
  "trade": {
    "clientExtensions": {
      "id": "my_eur_usd_trade"
    "currentUnits": "100",
    "financing": "0.00000",
    "id": "6395",
    "initialUnits": "100",
    "instrument": "EUR_USD",
    "openTime": "2016-06-22T18:41:48.258142231Z",
    "price": "1.13033",
    "realizedPL": "0.00000",
    "state": "OPEN",
    "unrealizedPL": "-0.01438"
curl \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>" \
Response Headers
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Authorization, Content-Type, Accept-Datetime-Format
Content-Encoding: gzip
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Server: openresty/
Connection: keep-alive
Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2016 18:41:48 GMT
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: PUT, PATCH, POST, GET, OPTIONS, DELETE
Content-Type: application/json
Response Body
  "lastTransactionID": "6397",
  "trade": {
    "clientExtensions": {
      "id": "my_eur_usd_trade"
    "currentUnits": "100",
    "financing": "0.00000",
    "id": "6395",
    "initialUnits": "100",
    "instrument": "EUR_USD",
    "openTime": "2016-06-22T18:41:48.258142231Z",
    "price": "1.13033",
    "realizedPL": "0.00000",
    "state": "OPEN",
    "unrealizedPL": "-0.01438"


Name Located In Type Description
Authorization header string The authorization bearer token previously obtained by the client [required]
Accept-Datetime-Format header AcceptDatetimeFormat Format of DateTime fields in the request and response.
accountID path AccountID Account Identifier [required]
tradeSpecifier path TradeSpecifier Specifier for the Trade [required]
Request Body Schema (application/json)

    # Indication of how much of the Trade to close. Either the string “ALL”
    # (indicating that all of the Trade should be closed), or a DecimalNumber
    # representing the number of units of the open Trade to Close using a
    # TradeClose MarketOrder. The units specified must always be positive, and
    # the magnitude of the value cannot exceed the magnitude of the Trade’s
    # open units.
    units : (string, default=ALL)


Response Headers

  • RequestID - The unique identifier generated for the request
Response Body Schema (application/json)

    # The MarketOrder Transaction created to close the Trade.
    orderCreateTransaction : (MarketOrderTransaction),

    # The OrderFill Transaction that fills the Trade-closing MarketOrder and
    # closes the Trade.
    orderFillTransaction : (OrderFillTransaction),

    # The OrderCancel Transaction that immediately cancelled the Trade-closing
    # MarketOrder.
    orderCancelTransaction : (OrderCancelTransaction),

    # The IDs of all Transactions that were created while satisfying the
    # request.
    relatedTransactionIDs : (Array[TransactionID]),

    # The ID of the most recent Transaction created for the Account
    lastTransactionID : (TransactionID)
Response Body Schema (application/json)

    # The MarketOrderReject Transaction that rejects the creation of the Trade-
    # closing MarketOrder.
    orderRejectTransaction : (MarketOrderRejectTransaction),

    # The code of the error that has occurred. This field may not be returned
    # for some errors.
    errorCode : (string),

    # The human-readable description of the error that has occurred.
    errorMessage : (string, required)
Response Body Schema (application/json)

    # The MarketOrderReject Transaction that rejects the creation of the Trade-
    # closing MarketOrder. Only present if the Account exists.
    orderRejectTransaction : (MarketOrderRejectTransaction),

    # The ID of the most recent Transaction created for the Account. Only
    # present if the Account exists.
    lastTransactionID : (TransactionID),

    # The IDs of all Transactions that were created while satisfying the
    # request. Only present if the Account exists.
    relatedTransactionIDs : (Array[TransactionID]),

    # The code of the error that has occurred. This field may not be returned
    # for some errors.
    errorCode : (string),

    # The human-readable description of the error that has occurred.
    errorMessage : (string, required)

Other Error Responses: 401, 405


body=$(cat << EOF
  "units": "10"

curl \
  -X PUT \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>" \
  -d "$body" \
Response Headers
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Authorization, Content-Type, Accept-Datetime-Format
Content-Encoding: gzip
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Server: openresty/
Connection: keep-alive
Location: <URL>/v3/accounts/<ACCOUNT>/trades/6397
Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2016 18:41:48 GMT
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: PUT, PATCH, POST, GET, OPTIONS, DELETE
Content-Type: application/json
Response Body
  "lastTransactionID": "6402",
  "orderCreateTransaction": {
    "accountID": "<ACCOUNT>",
    "batchID": "6401",
    "id": "6401",
    "instrument": "USD_CAD",
    "positionFill": "REDUCE_ONLY",
    "reason": "TRADE_CLOSE",
    "time": "2016-06-22T18:41:48.291149909Z",
    "timeInForce": "FOK",
    "tradeClose": {
      "clientTradeID": "my_usd_cad_trade",
      "tradeID": "6397",
      "units": "10"
    "type": "MARKET_ORDER",
    "units": "10",
    "userID": <USERID>
  "orderFillTransaction": {
    "accountBalance": "43650.61140",
    "accountID": "<ACCOUNT>",
    "batchID": "6401",
    "financing": "0.00000",
    "id": "6402",
    "instrument": "USD_CAD",
    "orderID": "6401",
    "pl": "-0.00142",
    "price": "1.28260",
    "time": "2016-06-22T18:41:48.291149909Z",
    "tradeReduced": {
      "clientTradeID": "my_usd_cad_trade",
      "financing": "0.00000",
      "realizedPL": "-0.00142",
      "tradeID": "6397",
      "units": "10"
    "type": "ORDER_FILL",
    "units": "10",
    "userID": <USERID>
  "relatedTransactionIDs": [
curl \
  -X PUT \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>" \
Response Headers
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Authorization, Content-Type, Accept-Datetime-Format
Content-Encoding: gzip
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Server: openresty/
Connection: keep-alive
Location: <URL>/v3/accounts/<ACCOUNT>/trades/@my_eur_usd_trade
Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2016 18:41:48 GMT
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: PUT, PATCH, POST, GET, OPTIONS, DELETE
Content-Type: application/json
Response Body
  "lastTransactionID": "6404",
  "orderCreateTransaction": {
    "accountID": "<ACCOUNT>",
    "batchID": "6403",
    "id": "6403",
    "instrument": "EUR_USD",
    "positionFill": "REDUCE_ONLY",
    "reason": "TRADE_CLOSE",
    "time": "2016-06-22T18:41:48.295849561Z",
    "timeInForce": "FOK",
    "tradeClose": {
      "clientTradeID": "my_eur_usd_trade",
      "tradeID": "6395",
      "units": "ALL"
    "type": "MARKET_ORDER",
    "units": "-100",
    "userID": <USERID>
  "orderFillTransaction": {
    "accountBalance": "43650.59702",
    "accountID": "<ACCOUNT>",
    "batchID": "6403",
    "financing": "0.00000",
    "id": "6404",
    "instrument": "EUR_USD",
    "orderID": "6403",
    "pl": "-0.01438",
    "price": "1.13018",
    "time": "2016-06-22T18:41:48.295849561Z",
    "tradesClosed": [
        "clientTradeID": "my_eur_usd_trade",
        "financing": "0.00000",
        "realizedPL": "-0.01438",
        "tradeID": "6395",
        "units": "-100"
    "type": "ORDER_FILL",
    "units": "-100",
    "userID": <USERID>
  "relatedTransactionIDs": [


Name Located In Type Description
Authorization header string The authorization bearer token previously obtained by the client [required]
Accept-Datetime-Format header AcceptDatetimeFormat Format of DateTime fields in the request and response.
accountID path AccountID Account Identifier [required]
tradeSpecifier path TradeSpecifier Specifier for the Trade [required]
Request Body Schema (application/json)

    # The Client Extensions to update the Trade with. Do not add, update, or
    # delete the Client Extensions if your account is associated with MT4.
    clientExtensions : (ClientExtensions)


Response Headers

  • RequestID - The unique identifier generated for the request
Response Body Schema (application/json)

    # The Transaction that updates the Trade’s Client Extensions.
    tradeClientExtensionsModifyTransaction : (TradeClientExtensionsModifyTransaction),

    # The IDs of all Transactions that were created while satisfying the
    # request.
    relatedTransactionIDs : (Array[TransactionID]),

    # The ID of the most recent Transaction created for the Account
    lastTransactionID : (TransactionID)
Response Body Schema (application/json)

    # The Transaction that rejects the modification of the Trade’s Client
    # Extensions.
    tradeClientExtensionsModifyRejectTransaction : (TradeClientExtensionsModifyRejectTransaction),

    # The ID of the most recent Transaction created for the Account.
    lastTransactionID : (TransactionID),

    # The IDs of all Transactions that were created while satisfying the
    # request.
    relatedTransactionIDs : (Array[TransactionID]),

    # The code of the error that has occurred. This field may not be returned
    # for some errors.
    errorCode : (string),

    # The human-readable description of the error that has occurred.
    errorMessage : (string, required)
Response Body Schema (application/json)

    # The Transaction that rejects the modification of the Trade’s Client
    # Extensions. Only present if the Account exists.
    tradeClientExtensionsModifyRejectTransaction : (TradeClientExtensionsModifyRejectTransaction),

    # The ID of the most recent Transaction created for the Account. Only
    # present if the Account exists.
    lastTransactionID : (TransactionID),

    # The IDs of all Transactions that were created while satisfying the
    # request. Only present if the Account exists.
    relatedTransactionIDs : (Array[TransactionID]),

    # The code of the error that has occurred. This field may not be returned
    # for some errors.
    errorCode : (string),

    # The human-readable description of the error that has occurred.
    errorMessage : (string, required)

Other Error Responses: 401, 405


body=$(cat << EOF
  "clientExtensions": {
    "comment": "This is a USD/CAD trade",
    "tag": "trade tag",
    "id": "my_usd_cad_trade"

curl \
  -X PUT \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>" \
  -d "$body" \
Response Headers
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Authorization, Content-Type, Accept-Datetime-Format
Content-Encoding: gzip
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Server: openresty/
Connection: keep-alive
Location: <URL>/v3/accounts/<ACCOUNT>/trades/6397
Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2016 18:41:48 GMT
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: PUT, PATCH, POST, GET, OPTIONS, DELETE
Content-Type: application/json
Response Body
  "lastTransactionID": "6398",
  "relatedTransactionIDs": [
  "tradeClientExtensionsModifyTransaction": {
    "accountID": "<ACCOUNT>",
    "batchID": "6398",
    "id": "6398",
    "time": "2016-06-22T18:41:48.281696359Z",
    "tradeClientExtensionsModify": {
      "comment": "This is a USD/CAD trade",
      "id": "my_usd_cad_trade",
      "tag": "trade tag"
    "tradeID": "6397",
    "userID": <USERID>


Name Located In Type Description
Authorization header string The authorization bearer token previously obtained by the client [required]
Accept-Datetime-Format header AcceptDatetimeFormat Format of DateTime fields in the request and response.
accountID path AccountID Account Identifier [required]
tradeSpecifier path TradeSpecifier Specifier for the Trade [required]
Request Body Schema (application/json)

    # The specification of the Take Profit to create/modify/cancel. If
    # takeProfit is set to null, the Take Profit Order will be cancelled if it
    # exists. If takeProfit is not provided, the existing Take Profit Order
    # will not be modified. If a sub-field of takeProfit is not specified, that
    # field will be set to a default value on create, and be inherited by the
    # replacing order on modify.
    takeProfit : (TakeProfitDetails),

    # The specification of the Stop Loss to create/modify/cancel. If stopLoss
    # is set to null, the Stop Loss Order will be cancelled if it exists. If
    # stopLoss is not provided, the existing Stop Loss Order will not be
    # modified. If a sub-field of stopLoss is not specified, that field will be
    # set to a default value on create, and be inherited by the replacing order
    # on modify.
    stopLoss : (StopLossDetails),

    # The specification of the Trailing Stop Loss to create/modify/cancel. If
    # trailingStopLoss is set to null, the Trailing Stop Loss Order will be
    # cancelled if it exists. If trailingStopLoss is not provided, the existing
    # Trailing Stop Loss Order will not be modified. If a sub-field of
    # trailingStopLoss is not specified, that field will be set to a default
    # value on create, and be inherited by the replacing order on modify.
    trailingStopLoss : (TrailingStopLossDetails),

    # The specification of the Guaranteed Stop Loss to create/modify/cancel. If
    # guaranteedStopLoss is set to null, the Guaranteed Stop Loss Order will be
    # cancelled if it exists. If guaranteedStopLoss is not provided, the
    # existing Guaranteed Stop Loss Order will not be modified. If a sub-field
    # of guaranteedStopLoss is not specified, that field will be set to a
    # default value on create, and be inherited by the replacing order on
    # modify.
    guaranteedStopLoss : (GuaranteedStopLossDetails)


Response Headers

  • RequestID - The unique identifier generated for the request
Response Body Schema (application/json)

    # The Transaction created that cancels the Trade’s existing Take Profit
    # Order.
    takeProfitOrderCancelTransaction : (OrderCancelTransaction),

    # The Transaction created that creates a new Take Profit Order for the
    # Trade.
    takeProfitOrderTransaction : (TakeProfitOrderTransaction),

    # The Transaction created that immediately fills the Trade’s new Take
    # Profit Order. Only provided if the new Take Profit Order was immediately
    # filled.
    takeProfitOrderFillTransaction : (OrderFillTransaction),

    # The Transaction created that immediately cancels the Trade’s new Take
    # Profit Order. Only provided if the new Take Profit Order was immediately
    # cancelled.
    takeProfitOrderCreatedCancelTransaction : (OrderCancelTransaction),

    # The Transaction created that cancels the Trade’s existing Stop Loss
    # Order.
    stopLossOrderCancelTransaction : (OrderCancelTransaction),

    # The Transaction created that creates a new Stop Loss Order for the Trade.
    stopLossOrderTransaction : (StopLossOrderTransaction),

    # The Transaction created that immediately fills the Trade’s new Stop
    # Order. Only provided if the new Stop Loss Order was immediately filled.
    stopLossOrderFillTransaction : (OrderFillTransaction),

    # The Transaction created that immediately cancels the Trade’s new Stop
    # Loss Order. Only provided if the new Stop Loss Order was immediately
    # cancelled.
    stopLossOrderCreatedCancelTransaction : (OrderCancelTransaction),

    # The Transaction created that cancels the Trade’s existing Trailing Stop
    # Loss Order.
    trailingStopLossOrderCancelTransaction : (OrderCancelTransaction),

    # The Transaction created that creates a new Trailing Stop Loss Order for
    # the Trade.
    trailingStopLossOrderTransaction : (TrailingStopLossOrderTransaction),

    # The Transaction created that cancels the Trade’s existing Guaranteed Stop
    # Loss Order.
    guaranteedStopLossOrderCancelTransaction : (OrderCancelTransaction),

    # The Transaction created that creates a new Guaranteed Stop Loss Order for
    # the Trade.
    guaranteedStopLossOrderTransaction : (GuaranteedStopLossOrderTransaction),

    # The IDs of all Transactions that were created while satisfying the
    # request.
    relatedTransactionIDs : (Array[TransactionID]),

    # The ID of the most recent Transaction created for the Account
    lastTransactionID : (TransactionID)
Response Body Schema (application/json)

    # An OrderCancelRejectTransaction represents the rejection of the
    # cancellation of an Order in the client’s Account.
    takeProfitOrderCancelRejectTransaction : (OrderCancelRejectTransaction),

    # A TakeProfitOrderRejectTransaction represents the rejection of the
    # creation of a TakeProfit Order.
    takeProfitOrderRejectTransaction : (TakeProfitOrderRejectTransaction),

    # An OrderCancelRejectTransaction represents the rejection of the
    # cancellation of an Order in the client’s Account.
    stopLossOrderCancelRejectTransaction : (OrderCancelRejectTransaction),

    # A StopLossOrderRejectTransaction represents the rejection of the creation
    # of a StopLoss Order.
    stopLossOrderRejectTransaction : (StopLossOrderRejectTransaction),

    # An OrderCancelRejectTransaction represents the rejection of the
    # cancellation of an Order in the client’s Account.
    trailingStopLossOrderCancelRejectTransaction : (OrderCancelRejectTransaction),

    # A TrailingStopLossOrderRejectTransaction represents the rejection of the
    # creation of a TrailingStopLoss Order.
    trailingStopLossOrderRejectTransaction : (TrailingStopLossOrderRejectTransaction),

    # An OrderCancelRejectTransaction represents the rejection of the
    # cancellation of an Order in the client’s Account.
    guaranteedStopLossOrderCancelRejectTransaction : (OrderCancelRejectTransaction),

    # A GuaranteedStopLossOrderRejectTransaction represents the rejection of
    # the creation of a GuaranteedStopLoss Order.
    guaranteedStopLossOrderRejectTransaction : (GuaranteedStopLossOrderRejectTransaction),

    # The ID of the most recent Transaction created for the Account.
    lastTransactionID : (TransactionID),

    # The IDs of all Transactions that were created while satisfying the
    # request.
    relatedTransactionIDs : (Array[TransactionID]),

    # The code of the error that has occurred. This field may not be returned
    # for some errors.
    errorCode : (string),

    # The human-readable description of the error that has occurred.
    errorMessage : (string, required)

Other Error Responses: 401, 404, 405


body=$(cat << EOF
  "takeProfit": {
    "timeInForce": "GTC",
    "price": "0.5"
  "stopLoss": {
    "timeInForce": "GTC",
    "price": "2.5"

curl \
  -X PUT \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>" \
  -d "$body" \
Response Headers
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Authorization, Content-Type, Accept-Datetime-Format
Content-Encoding: gzip
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Server: openresty/
Connection: keep-alive
Location: <URL>/v3/accounts/<ACCOUNT>/trades/6397
Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2016 18:41:48 GMT
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: PUT, PATCH, POST, GET, OPTIONS, DELETE
Content-Type: application/json
Response Body
  "lastTransactionID": "6400",
  "relatedTransactionIDs": [
  "stopLossOrderTransaction": {
    "accountID": "<ACCOUNT>",
    "batchID": "6399",
    "clientTradeID": "my_usd_cad_trade",
    "id": "6400",
    "price": "2.50000",
    "reason": "CLIENT_ORDER",
    "time": "2016-06-22T18:41:48.286484827Z",
    "timeInForce": "GTC",
    "tradeID": "6397",
    "triggerCondition": "TRIGGER_DEFAULT",
    "type": "STOP_LOSS_ORDER",
    "userID": <USERID>
  "takeProfitOrderTransaction": {
    "accountID": "<ACCOUNT>",
    "batchID": "6399",
    "clientTradeID": "my_usd_cad_trade",
    "id": "6399",
    "price": "0.50000",
    "reason": "CLIENT_ORDER",
    "time": "2016-06-22T18:41:48.286484827Z",
    "timeInForce": "GTC",
    "tradeID": "6397",
    "triggerCondition": "TRIGGER_DEFAULT",
    "type": "TAKE_PROFIT_ORDER",
    "userID": <USERID>