Tag is an application/json object with the following Schema:
# The type of the tag.
type : (string),
# The name of the tag.
name : (string)
FinancingDayOfWeek is an application/json object with the following Schema:
# The day of the week to charge the financing.
dayOfWeek : (DayOfWeek),
# The number of days worth of financing to be charged on dayOfWeek.
daysCharged : (integer)
InstrumentFinancing is an application/json object with the following Schema:
# The financing rate to be used for a long position for the instrument. The
# value is in decimal rather than percentage points, i.e. 5% is represented
# as 0.05.
longRate : (DecimalNumber),
# The financing rate to be used for a short position for the instrument.
# The value is in decimal rather than percentage points, i.e. 5% is
# represented as 0.05.
shortRate : (DecimalNumber),
# The days of the week to debit or credit financing charges; the exact time
# of day at which to charge the financing is set in the
# DivisionTradingGroup for the client’s account.
financingDaysOfWeek : (Array[FinancingDayOfWeek])
Instrument is an application/json object with the following Schema:
# The name of the Instrument
name : (InstrumentName),
# The type of the Instrument
type : (InstrumentType),
# The display name of the Instrument
displayName : (string),
# The location of the “pip” for this instrument. The decimal position of
# the pip in this Instrument’s price can be found at 10 ^ pipLocation (e.g.
# -4 pipLocation results in a decimal pip position of 10 ^ -4 = 0.0001).
pipLocation : (integer),
# The number of decimal places that should be used to display prices for
# this instrument. (e.g. a displayPrecision of 5 would result in a price of
# “1” being displayed as “1.00000”)
displayPrecision : (integer),
# The amount of decimal places that may be provided when specifying the
# number of units traded for this instrument.
tradeUnitsPrecision : (integer),
# The smallest number of units allowed to be traded for this instrument.
minimumTradeSize : (DecimalNumber),
# The maximum trailing stop distance allowed for a trailing stop loss
# created for this instrument. Specified in price units.
maximumTrailingStopDistance : (DecimalNumber),
# The minimum distance allowed between the Trade’s fill price and the
# configured price for guaranteed Stop Loss Orders created for this
# instrument. Specified in price units.
minimumGuaranteedStopLossDistance : (DecimalNumber),
# The minimum trailing stop distance allowed for a trailing stop loss
# created for this instrument. Specified in price units.
minimumTrailingStopDistance : (DecimalNumber),
# The maximum position size allowed for this instrument. Specified in
# units.
maximumPositionSize : (DecimalNumber),
# The maximum units allowed for an Order placed for this instrument.
# Specified in units.
maximumOrderUnits : (DecimalNumber),
# The margin rate for this instrument.
marginRate : (DecimalNumber),
# The commission structure for this instrument.
commission : (InstrumentCommission),
# The current Guaranteed Stop Loss Order mode of the Account for this
# Instrument.
guaranteedStopLossOrderMode : (GuaranteedStopLossOrderModeForInstrument),
# The amount that is charged to the account if a guaranteed Stop Loss Order
# is triggered and filled. The value is in price units and is charged for
# each unit of the Trade. This field will only be present if the Account’s
# guaranteedStopLossOrderMode for this Instrument is not ‘DISABLED’.
guaranteedStopLossOrderExecutionPremium : (DecimalNumber),
# The guaranteed Stop Loss Order level restriction for this instrument.
# This field will only be present if the Account’s
# guaranteedStopLossOrderMode for this Instrument is not ‘DISABLED’.
guaranteedStopLossOrderLevelRestriction : (GuaranteedStopLossOrderLevelRestriction),
# Financing data for this instrument.
financing : (InstrumentFinancing),
# The tags associated with this instrument.
tags : (Array[Tag])
InstrumentCommission is an application/json object with the following Schema:
# The commission amount (in the Account’s home currency) charged per
# unitsTraded of the instrument
commission : (DecimalNumber),
# The number of units traded that the commission amount is based on.
unitsTraded : (DecimalNumber),
# The minimum commission amount (in the Account’s home currency) that is
# charged when an Order is filled for this instrument.
minimumCommission : (DecimalNumber)
GuaranteedStopLossOrderLevelRestriction is an application/json object with the following Schema:
# Applies to Trades with a guaranteed Stop Loss Order attached for the
# specified Instrument. This is the total allowed Trade volume that can
# exist within the priceRange based on the trigger prices of the guaranteed
# Stop Loss Orders.
volume : (DecimalNumber),
# The price range the volume applies to. This value is in price units.
priceRange : (DecimalNumber)
ConversionFactor is an application/json object with the following Schema:
# The factor by which to multiply the amount in the given currency to
# obtain the amount in the home currency of the Account.
factor : (DecimalNumber)
HomeConversionFactors is an application/json object with the following Schema:
# The ConversionFactor in effect for the Account for converting any gains
# realized in Instrument quote units into units of the Account’s home
# currency.
gainQuoteHome : (ConversionFactor),
# The ConversionFactor in effect for the Account for converting any losses
# realized in Instrument quote units into units of the Account’s home
# currency.
lossQuoteHome : (ConversionFactor),
# The ConversionFactor in effect for the Account for converting any gains
# realized in Instrument base units into units of the Account’s home
# currency.
gainBaseHome : (ConversionFactor),
# The ConversionFactor in effect for the Account for converting any losses
# realized in Instrument base units into units of the Account’s home
# currency.
lossBaseHome : (ConversionFactor)