Primitives Definitions

Type string
Format A decimal number encoded as a string. The amount of precision provided depends on what the number represents.

Type string
Format A decimal number encoded as a string. The amount of precision provided depends on the Account’s home currency.

Type string
Format A string containing an ISO 4217 currency (

Tag is an application/json object with the following Schema:

    # The type of the tag.
    type : (string),

    # The name of the tag.
    name : (string)

Type string
Format A string containing the base currency and quote currency delimited by a “_”.

Value Description
CFD Contract For Difference

Value Description

FinancingDayOfWeek is an application/json object with the following Schema:

    # The day of the week to charge the financing.
    dayOfWeek : (DayOfWeek),

    # The number of days worth of financing to be charged on dayOfWeek.
    daysCharged : (integer)

InstrumentFinancing is an application/json object with the following Schema:

    # The financing rate to be used for a long position for the instrument. The
    # value is in decimal rather than percentage points, i.e. 5% is represented
    # as 0.05.
    longRate : (DecimalNumber),

    # The financing rate to be used for a short position for the instrument.
    # The value is in decimal rather than percentage points, i.e. 5% is
    # represented as 0.05.
    shortRate : (DecimalNumber),

    # The days of the week to debit or credit financing charges; the exact time
    # of day at which to charge the financing is set in the
    # DivisionTradingGroup for the client’s account.
    financingDaysOfWeek : (Array[FinancingDayOfWeek])

Instrument is an application/json object with the following Schema:

    # The name of the Instrument
    name : (InstrumentName),

    # The type of the Instrument
    type : (InstrumentType),

    # The display name of the Instrument
    displayName : (string),

    # The location of the “pip” for this instrument. The decimal position of
    # the pip in this Instrument’s price can be found at 10 ^ pipLocation (e.g.
    # -4 pipLocation results in a decimal pip position of 10 ^ -4 = 0.0001).
    pipLocation : (integer),

    # The number of decimal places that should be used to display prices for
    # this instrument. (e.g. a displayPrecision of 5 would result in a price of
    # “1” being displayed as “1.00000”)
    displayPrecision : (integer),

    # The amount of decimal places that may be provided when specifying the
    # number of units traded for this instrument.
    tradeUnitsPrecision : (integer),

    # The smallest number of units allowed to be traded for this instrument.
    minimumTradeSize : (DecimalNumber),

    # The maximum trailing stop distance allowed for a trailing stop loss
    # created for this instrument. Specified in price units.
    maximumTrailingStopDistance : (DecimalNumber),

    # The minimum distance allowed between the Trade’s fill price and the
    # configured price for guaranteed Stop Loss Orders created for this
    # instrument. Specified in price units.
    minimumGuaranteedStopLossDistance : (DecimalNumber),

    # The minimum trailing stop distance allowed for a trailing stop loss
    # created for this instrument. Specified in price units.
    minimumTrailingStopDistance : (DecimalNumber),

    # The maximum position size allowed for this instrument. Specified in
    # units.
    maximumPositionSize : (DecimalNumber),

    # The maximum units allowed for an Order placed for this instrument.
    # Specified in units.
    maximumOrderUnits : (DecimalNumber),

    # The margin rate for this instrument.
    marginRate : (DecimalNumber),

    # The commission structure for this instrument.
    commission : (InstrumentCommission),

    # The current Guaranteed Stop Loss Order mode of the Account for this
    # Instrument.
    guaranteedStopLossOrderMode : (GuaranteedStopLossOrderModeForInstrument),

    # The amount that is charged to the account if a guaranteed Stop Loss Order
    # is triggered and filled. The value is in price units and is charged for
    # each unit of the Trade. This field will only be present if the Account’s
    # guaranteedStopLossOrderMode for this Instrument is not ‘DISABLED’.
    guaranteedStopLossOrderExecutionPremium : (DecimalNumber),

    # The guaranteed Stop Loss Order level restriction for this instrument.
    # This field will only be present if the Account’s
    # guaranteedStopLossOrderMode for this Instrument is not ‘DISABLED’.
    guaranteedStopLossOrderLevelRestriction : (GuaranteedStopLossOrderLevelRestriction),

    # Financing data for this instrument.
    financing : (InstrumentFinancing),

    # The tags associated with this instrument.
    tags : (Array[Tag])

Type string
Format The RFC 3339 representation is a string conforming to The Unix representation is a string representing the number of seconds since the Unix Epoch (January 1st, 1970 at UTC). The value is a fractional number, where the fractional part represents a fraction of a second (up to nine decimal places).

Value Description
UNIX If “UNIX” is specified DateTime fields will be specified or returned in the “12345678.000000123” format.
RFC3339 If “RFC3339” is specified DateTime will be specified or returned in “YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.nnnnnnnnnZ” format.

InstrumentCommission is an application/json object with the following Schema:

    # The commission amount (in the Account’s home currency) charged per
    # unitsTraded of the instrument
    commission : (DecimalNumber),

    # The number of units traded that the commission amount is based on.
    unitsTraded : (DecimalNumber),

    # The minimum commission amount (in the Account’s home currency) that is
    # charged when an Order is filled for this instrument.
    minimumCommission : (DecimalNumber)

Value Description
DISABLED The Account is not permitted to create Guaranteed Stop Loss Orders for this Instrument.
ALLOWED The Account is able, but not required to have Guaranteed Stop Loss Orders for open Trades for this Instrument.
REQUIRED The Account is required to have Guaranteed Stop Loss Orders for all open Trades for this Instrument.

GuaranteedStopLossOrderLevelRestriction is an application/json object with the following Schema:

    # Applies to Trades with a guaranteed Stop Loss Order attached for the
    # specified Instrument. This is the total allowed Trade volume that can
    # exist within the priceRange based on the trigger prices of the guaranteed
    # Stop Loss Orders.
    volume : (DecimalNumber),

    # The price range the volume applies to. This value is in price units.
    priceRange : (DecimalNumber)

Value Description
LONG A long Order is used to to buy units of an Instrument. A Trade is long when it has bought units of an Instrument.
SHORT A short Order is used to to sell units of an Instrument. A Trade is short when it has sold units of an Instrument.

Type string
Format Can contain any combination of the characters “M” (midpoint candles) “B” (bid candles) and “A” (ask candles).

ConversionFactor is an application/json object with the following Schema:

    # The factor by which to multiply the amount in the given currency to
    # obtain the amount in the home currency of the Account.
    factor : (DecimalNumber)

HomeConversionFactors is an application/json object with the following Schema:

    # The ConversionFactor in effect for the Account for converting any gains
    # realized in Instrument quote units into units of the Account’s home
    # currency.
    gainQuoteHome : (ConversionFactor),

    # The ConversionFactor in effect for the Account for converting any losses
    # realized in Instrument quote units into units of the Account’s home
    # currency.
    lossQuoteHome : (ConversionFactor),

    # The ConversionFactor in effect for the Account for converting any gains
    # realized in Instrument base units into units of the Account’s home
    # currency.
    gainBaseHome : (ConversionFactor),

    # The ConversionFactor in effect for the Account for converting any losses
    # realized in Instrument base units into units of the Account’s home
    # currency.
    lossBaseHome : (ConversionFactor)